Rainy Day Perfection

It’s not every day that it rains in September in California. It’s also not every day that I get to take pictures between the rain drops on a golf course either. If an outdoor shoot in the rain weren’t enough, we were up before the invisible sun this morning! This all lead to some serious worry about my ability to get good shots.

Thankfully, Russ and Amy were so sweet together that they warmed up each photo I took. In fact, I really didn’t have to do much other than click the shutter. These two were so endearing, and if I may say, a little sassy- two qualities I value in the people I love. You see, Russ is my great uncle. I won’t go as far as to say that he is my favorite great uncle Russ because I actually have two of them, but he has always held a special place in my heart. I was honored to be able to capture he and Amy, even if the weather wasn’t quite cooperating.

This location also holds a special place in my heart as I regularly do volunteer work at this golf course throughout the year, as does this uncle (and my mom, and my husband, and my kids, etc…). It felt right to be out on the greens this morning, even if we weren’t swinging clubs or donating our time to children’s charities. A very big thank you to these two cuties for tolerating my razzing and braving the weather today!

I mean, come on! Aren’t these two just the sweetest?

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Wedding and family photography

rocklin, ca

The Tilly project affliliate photographer


Kristina Ferguson Photography