It was early, and it was almost cold for one of the first times all summer, yet these girls braved the elements (and fatigue) to get some pictures taken! They even brought me a Pumpkin Spice Latte, so really, I had no problems with the sunrise session (plus, it was kind of my idea).
The river was cold, and the light was very yellow on the water. We saw ducks and kayakers out for their early morning exercises. These sweet girls could not have been more tolerant of me, even though I was a stranger and my jokes were awful. While we didn’t get a ton of laughs, the promise of breakfast kept them going. From my perspective, they were great little models. It doesn’t hurt that they are each gorgeous, like their mama.
Huge shout outs to their mom for getting them all ready so early and being in great spirits herself. That kind of patience cannot be taught.

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