What better way to celebrate the end of summer than with a soak in the tub? I cannot get enough of the littles in a milk bath. While the big kids are going back to school this week in Rocklin where I live, why not spoil the baby with a milk bath? If your child is a water baby like mine, or even just tolerates the bath well, this is your time to get a milk bath sessions to delight your 1-2 year old(s).
This session was so much fun! Once babies have good head control and start to eat solids, milk baths can be a great way to capture the joy and excitement that babies have for summertime fun! They can be great for first birthdays in lieu of (or in addition to) a smash cake. This little lady actually enjoyed the lemons better than the strawberries, and the faces she made were the absolute cutest! The best part? You don’t have to get their attention too much for these sessions- the fruits is plenty distraction to keep the kiddos entertained and smiling.
What other types of fruit can you use? Almost any your baby will enjoy. Citrus fruits, melons, and berries are always a big hit! Send me a message today to learn about booking a session for your baby before that summertime glow is gone.

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